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Cold War emerging between India and China

By Kavya Maheshwari, BBA LLB Student 1st Year, UPES.

“India and China are on a collision course”- ( Rupak jyoti Borah ) . They both are the most populous

countries in the world, two of the growing economies in the world and both are in a race with US to

become one of the world powers .

India and China have not had the best of relations. Our first prime minister Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru

coined the phrase “ Hindi – Chini Bhai Bhai “ based on perceived cultural similarities and common

socialistic goals. This does not seem to be true or believed to be true as of now as we know that both

India and China had three major military conflicts in 1962 ( Sino-Indian war ) , 1967 ( the Nathu la

and Cho la incidents ) and 1987 (Sumdorong Chu incident ) wherein they both have been constantly

engaged in other skirmishes arising from border disputes and territorial disagreements.(Wikipedia)

The rivalry has been even deep rooted when the Indian Defence Minister George Fernandez , in

1998 during the second nuclear weapon test of India termed Beijing as India’s “ Potential enemy No.

1 “. There are many piece of evidence which shows the true nature of china who is trying to double

cross India by joining hands with India’s foremost enemy “ Pakistan “ . the most recent indirect or

rather direct on India by China is the China’s move in the past few months to block Indian

membership in the Nuclear Suppliers Group ( NSG ) is merely the latest sign of tension to emerge

between the two Asian giants . Competition between the supreme powers on the globe is not surely

the hardest or suprising thing now a day . China’s intention of becoming the sole Asian power was

most recently demonstrated when China led the push to exclude India from the NSG which controls

the trade of nuclear material and related technologies , which would facilitate India’s nuclear power

production . As of now PM Modi’s bid for the concerned matter has been supported by the United

States of America , Great Britain , France and many others.

India’s all efforts are going in vain as it has been facing opposition from China from becoming one of

the five permanent member on the UN Security Council , as only China has not given India a green

signal to become the permanent member despite of being the largest democratic republic . China’s

friendly relations with our arc rival Pakistan now seems a big issue of concern for India . With China’s

announcement of investing $46 billion in the China – Pakistan Economic Corridor , seems to be

China’s strategy to help Pakistan to do terrorist attacks in mainland India . As far as it is concerned

China is a major supplier of military equipments and expertise to India’s northwestern neighbour .

Thus, China’s influence in the south Asian regions , its huge investments in Sri lanka , Nepal and

elsewhere have all drawn India’s attention to this emerging danger probably causing diasatrous

effects on India in the near future .

India’s recent ‘Mausam’ manoever has also not found favour with the Chinese . India’s foreign

policies regarding reviving ancient maritime routes and bridging the cultural gap between the

countries in the indian ocean region . This proposal is to counter China’s increasing influence in this

region and to respond in kind to China’s “ maritime silk road “. The mid- June Malabar naval exercise

with India , Japan and the United States demonstrates this approach . We thought that China thinks

India as its rival only in economical , monetary and as a custodian of large military expertise but that

is so not true . In my opinion China is even bewared of India’s territorial extent that border issues

linger still , and reports of Chinese troops trespassing the border and entering into the Indian

mainland were among the headlines for past few years i.e. Chinese troops crossing the Line of Actual

Control surface on a regular basis . China has been advancing its troops in Tibet and the

disagreement to do so serves as a foundation for other worries .” In April 2016 , the U.S. Department

of Defence and Indian government announced the planned completion of the Logistics Exchange

Memorandum of Agreement which will allow for mutual logistical support and will represent India’s

largest departure from Non – alignment . May be these efforts put by the Indian Government will

foster the hidden hatred of China towards India . In all these political jeopardy , China is not letting

even the peninsular India from its mind games and tactics. Be it land or water or air areas , China is

not even relaxing to take a deep breath and leaving even a single moment of not stalking India.

Indian officials have spotted some Chinese submarines near India’s Andaman and Nicobar Islands ” –

( U.S. experience ) by McDaniel Wicker .

In view of the various pieces of evidence , I would like to draw conclusion that it is a very proud

moments for us , that we are imposing a great threat to the growing super power on the globe . As

we are able to recognise that China in every possible manner is trying to curb our power and does

not want us to gain the equal status as itself on the global scale as China has understood if we get

the seat in the UN Security Council as a permanent member and if we are able to secure a seat in the

NSG then we would become unstoppable and would surpass China and would be addressed as “ The

Asian Giant .”